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Liste des primats de l'Église d'Antioche

9 888 octets ajoutés, 19 septembre 2008 à 20:51
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{{ébauche}}Le '''Patriarche de l'[[Église d'Antioche]]''' est un des [[Patriarche]]s de l'[[Église Orthodoxe]]. Des fois, il est appelé '''Patriarche grec d'Antioche''', pour le distinguer des primats des Églises orientales syriaques.  ==Liste des primats de l'Église d'Antioche==#St. [[Apôtre Pierre|Pierre]] l'[[Apôtre]] (c.45-c.53)#St. [[Évode d'Antioche‎|Évode]] (c.53-c.68)#St. [[Ignace d'Antioche|Ignace Ier]] (c.68-100) <!-- Jan 29, Dec 20 --->#[[Eros I of Antioch|Héron Ier]] (100-c.127)#[[Cornelius of Antioch|Cornelius]] (c.127-c.151)#[[Eros II of Antioch|Eros II]] (c.151-c.169)#[[Theophilos of Antioch|Theophilos]] (c.169-182)#[[Église Maximinos I of Antioch|Maximinos I]] (182-191)#[[Serapion of Antioch|Serapion]] (191-211)#[[Ascelpiades of Antioch|Ascelpiades]] 211-220)#[[Philetos of Antioch|Philetos]] (220-231)#[[Zebinnus of Antioch|Zebinnus Ozniophios]] (231-237)#St. [[Babylas of Antioch|Babylas]] (237-253) <!-- Sep 4 --->#[[Fabios of Antioch|Fabios]] (253-256)#[[Demetrianos of Antioch|Demetrianos]] (256-262)#[[Amphilokhos of Antioch|Amphilokhos]] (262-267)#[[Paul of Samosata]] (267-270)#[[Domnus I of Antioch|Domnus I]] (270-273)#[[Timaeos of Antioch|Timaeos]] (273-277)#[[Cyril of Antioch|Cyril]] (277-299)#[[Tyrannos of Antioch|Tyrannos]] (299-308)#[[Vitalius I of Antioch|Vitalius I]] (308-314)#St. [[Philogonos of Antioch|Philogonos]] (314-324) <!-- Dec 20 --->#[[Paulinos of Tyre]] (324-325)#St. [[Eustathius of Antioch|Eustathius]] (325-332) <!-- Feb 21 --->#[[Eulalios of Antioch|Eulalios]] (332)#[[Euphronios of Antioch|Euphronios]] (333-334)#[[Philaclus of Antioch|Philaclus]] (334-341)#[[Stephen I of Antioch|Stephen I]] (341-345)#[[Leontius of Antioch|Leontius]] (345-350)#[[Eudoxius of Antioch|Eudoxius]] (350-354, 354-357)#St. [[Meletius of Antioch|Meletius]] (354) <!-- Feb 12 --->#[[Annias of Antioch|Annias]] or ''Ammianus'' (357-360)#[[Euzoius of Antioch|Euzoius]] (360-370)#[[Dorotheus of Antioch|Dorotheus]] (370-371)#[[Paulinus of Antioch|Paulinus]] (371-376)#[[Vitalius II of Antioch|Vitalius II]] (376-384)#St. [[Flavian I of Antioch|Flavian I]] (384-404) <!-- Feb 16, Sep 27 --->#[[Porphyrius of Antioch|Porphyrius]] (404-408)#[[Alexander I of Antioch|Alexander I]] (408-418)#[[Theodotus of Antioch|Theodotus]] (418-428)#[[John I of Antioch|John I]] (427-443)#[[Domnus II of Antioch|Domnus II]] (443-450)#[[Maximus II of Antioch|Maximus II]] (450-459)<br>'''The episcopacy of Antioch was raised to a Patriarchate by the [[Council of Chalcedon]] in 451.'''#[[Basil of Antioch|Basil]] (459-459)#[[Acacius of Antioch|Acacius]] (459-461)#[[Martyrius of Antioch|Martyrius]] (461-465)#[[Peter the Fuller]] (465-466, 474-475)#[[Julian of Antioch|Julian]] (466-474)#[[John II of Antioch|John II]] (475-490)#[[Stephen II of Antioch|Stephen II]] (490-493)#[[Stephen III of Antioch|Stephen III]] (493-495)#[[Callandion of Antioch|Callandion]] (495)#[[John Codonatus]] (495-497)#[[Palladius of Antioch|Palladius]] (495-505)#[[Flavian II of Antioch|Flavian II]] (505-513)#[[Severus of Antioch|Severus]] (513-518)<br>Severus was deposed by the Greek Orthodox Church in 518; while in exile in Egypt, he was recognized by many Syriac Christians as the lawful Patriarch until his death in 538.<br>In 544, [[Jacob Baradeus]] consecrated [[Sergius of Tella]] as Patriarch. To the year 544, both the [[Church of Antioch (Jacobite)|Syrian Orthodox Church]] and the [[Church of Antioch]] recognize the same people as legitimate patriarchs; afterwards, they trace a different lineage; there was also a Latin Patriarch of Antioch from 1100 to 1268.#[[Paul II of Antioch|Paul II]] (518-521)#[[Euphrasius of Antioch|Euphrasius]] (521-526)#St. [[Ephraim of Antioch|Ephraim]] (526-546) <!-- Jun 8 --->#[[Domnus III of Antioch|Domnus III]] (546-561)#St. [[Anastasius I of Antioch|Anastasius the Sinaite]] (561-571)#[[Gregory of Antioch|Gregory]] (571-594)<br>St. Anastasius the Sinaite (594-599)#St. [[Anastasius II of Antioch|Anastasius II]] (599-610) <!-- Apr 20 --->#[[Gregory II of Antioch|Gregory II]] (610-620)#[[Anastasius III of Antioch|Anastasius III]] (620-628)#[[Macedonius of Antioch|Macedonius]] (628-640)#[[George I of Antioch|George I]] (640-656)#[[Macarius of Antioch|Macarius]] (656-681)#[[Theophanes of Antioch|Theophanes]] (681-687)#[[Sebastian of Antioch|Sebastian]] (687-690)#[[George II of Antioch|George II]] (690-695)#[[Alexander II of Antioch|Alexander II]] (695-702)<br>''vacancy'' 702-742#[[Stephen IV of Antioch|Stephen IV]] (742-748)#[[Theophylact of Antioch|Theophylact]] (748-767)#[[Theodore I of Antioch|Theodore I]] (767-797)#[[John IV of Antioch|John IV]] (797-810)#[[Job I of Antioch|Job I]] (810-826)#[[Nicholas of Antioch|Nicholas]] (826-834)#[[Simeon of Antioch|Simeon]] (834-840)#[[Elias of Antioch|Elias]] (840-852)#[[Theodosius I of Antioch|Theodosius I]] (852-860)#[[Nicholas II of Antioch|Nicholas II]] (860-879)#[[Michae of Antioch|Michael]] (879-890)#[[Zacharias of Antioch|Zacharias]] (890-902)#[[George III of Antioch|George III]] (902-917)#[[Job II of Antioch|Job II]] (917-939)#[[Eustratius of Antioch|Eustratius]] (939-960)#[[Christopher of Antioch|Christopher]] (960-966)#[[Theodorus II of Antioch|Theodorus II]] (966-977)#[[Agapius of Antioch|Agapius]] (977-995)#[[John IV of Antioch|John IV]] (995-1000)#[[Nicholas III of Antioch|Nicholas III]] (1000-1003)#[[Elias II of Antioch|Elias II]] (1003-1010)#[[George Lascaris]] (1010-1015)#[[Macarius the Virtuous]] (1015-1023)#[[Eleutherius of Antioch|Eleutherius]] (1023-1028)#[[Peter III of Antioch|Peter III]] (1028-1051)#[[John VI of Antioch|John VI]], also known as ''Dionysus'' (1051-1062)#[[Aemilian of Antioch|Aemilian]] (1062-1075)#[[Theodosius II of Antioch|Theodosius II]] (1075-1084)#[[Nicephorus of Antioch|Nicephorus]] (1084-1090)#[[John VII of Antioch||John VII]] ''the Oxite'' (1090-1155)#[[John IX of Antioch|John IX]] (1155-1159)#[[Euthymius of Antioch|Euthymius]] (1159-1164)#[[Macarius II of Antioch|Macarius II]] (1164-1166)#[[Athanasius I of Antioch|Athanasius I]] (1166-1180)#[[Theodosius III I of Antioch|Theodosius III]] (1180-1182)#[[Elias III of Antioch|Elias III]] (1182-1184)#[[Christopher II of Antioch|Christopher II]] (1184-1185)#[[Theodore IV of Antioch|Theodore IV (Balsamon)]] (1185-1199)<br>The Patriarchate was in exile at Constantinople.#[[Joachim of Antioch|Joachim]] (1199-1219)#[[Dorotheus of Antioch|Dorotheus]] (1219-1245)#[[Simeon II of Antioch|Simeon II]] (1245-1268)#[[Euthymius II of Antioch|Euthymius II]] (1268-1269)#[[Theodosius IV of Antioch|Theodosius IV]] (1269-1276)<br>With Theodosius, the Patriachate returned to Antioch.#[[Theodosius V of Antioch|Theodosius V]] (1276-1285)#[[Arsenius of Antioch|Arsenius]] (1285-1293)#[[Dionysius of Antioch|Dionysius]] (1293-1308)#[[Mark of Antioch|Mark]] (1308-1342)#[[Ignatius II of Antioch|Ignatius II]] (1342-1386)<br>With Ignatius, the Patriachate transferred to Damascus.#[[Pachomius of Antioch|Pachomius]] (1386-1393)#[[Nilus of Antioch|Nilus]] (1393-1401)#[[Michael III of Antioch|Michael III]] (1401-1410)#[[Pachomius II of Antioch|Pachomius II]] (1410-1411)#[[Joachim II of Antioch|Joachim II]] (1411-1426)#[[Mark III of Antioch|Mark III]] (1426-1436)#[[Dorotheus II of Antioch|Dorotheus II]] (1436-1454)#[[Michael IV of Antioch|Michael IV]] (1454-1476)#[[Mark IV of Antioch|Mark IV]] (1476)#[[Joachim III of Antioch|Joachim III]] (1476-1483)#[[Gregory III of Antioch|Gregory III]] (1483-1497)#[[Dorotheus III of Antioch|Dorotheus III]] (1497-1523)#[[Michael V of Antioch|Michael V]] (1523-1541)#[[Dorotheus IV of Antioch|Dorotheus IV]] (1541-1543)#[[Joachim IV (Ibn Juma) of Antioch|Joachim IV (Ibn Juma)]] (1543-1576)#[[Michael VI (Sabbagh) of Antioch|Michael VI (Sabbagh)]] (1577-1581)#[[Joachim V of Antioch|Joachim V]] (1581-1592)#[[Joachim VI of Antioch|Joachim VI]] (1593-1604)#[[Dorotheus V of Antioch|Dorotheus V]] (1604-1611)#[[Athanasius III (Dabbas) of Antioch|Athanasius III (Dabbas)]] (1611-1619)#[[Ignatius III (Attiyah) of Antioch|Ignatius III (Attiyah)]] (1619-1631)#[[Euthymius III of Antioch|Euthymius III]] (1635-1636)#[[Euthymius IV of Antioch|Euthymius IV]] (1636-1648)#[[Michael III (Zaim) of Antioch|Michael III (Zaim)]] (1648-1672)#[[Neophytos of Antioch|Neophytos]] (1674-1684)#[[Athanasius IV (Dabbas) of Antioch|Athanasius IV (Dabbas)]] (1686-1694, 1720-1724)#[[Cyril III (Zaim) of Antioch|Cyril III (Zaim)]] (1694-1720)#[[Sylvester of Antioch|Sylvester]] (1724-1766)#[[Philemon of Antioch|Philemon]] (1766-1767)#[[Daniel Ier d'Antioche|Daniel Ier]] (1767-1791)#[[Euthyme V d'Antioche|Euthyme V]] (1792-1813)#[[Séraphin Ier d'Antioche|Séraphin Ier]] (1813-1823)#[[Méthode Ier d'Antioche|Méthode Ier]] (1843-1859)#[[Hiérothée Ier d'Antioche|Hiérothée Ier]] (1850-1885)#[[Gérasime Ier d'Antioche|Gérasime Ier]] (1885-1891)#[[Spyridon Ier d'Antioche|Spyridon Ier]] (1892-1898)#[[Mélèce II (Doumani) d'Antioche|Mélèce II]] (1899-1906)#[[Grégoire IV (Haddad) d'Antioche|Grégoire IV]] (1906-1928)#[[Alexandre III (Tahan) d'Antioche|Alexandre III]] (1928-1958)#[[Théodose VI (Abourjaily) d'Antioche|Théodose VI]] (1958-1970)#[[Élie IV (Muawad) d'Antioche|Élie IV]] (1970-1979)#[[Ignace IV (Hazim) d'Antioche|Ignace IV]] (depuis 1979) ==Voir aussi==*[[Liste de Patriarches]]*[[Liste des Patriarches de Constantinople]] ==External links==*[http://antiochpat.org/english/sitefiles/viewcontent.php?content=%241%24Fqww80sV%24LJtl/mpIsne5lz0mZ5kCy0_%241%24cY2fEC.3%242X4rjsf3DqIjEbC53bz6R/_%241%24Fqww80sV%24LJtl/mpIsne5lz0mZ5kCy0b56a92baa0ee987eb7f7e4a179b60efb&id=1&cat=%241%24DdKoSQCb%24FO96gT8jCFwnHPxW4LNZj1_%241%24pCxQHS8F%24GHaBW0fpsqpxYoSn4BE0M/_%241%24DdKoSQCb%24FO96gT8jCFwnHPxW4LNZj150102e124822220aaa78a8e3b2ccba34&catid=3&contentname=Historical%20Overview&catname=Other%20Contents Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Antioch and All the East: Historical Overview] ([[Church of Antioch]])*[http://www.balamand.edu.lb/theology/ignpatriarchs.htm Primates of the Apostolic See of Antioch] from the site of St. John of Damascus Faculty of Theology, University of Balamand*[http://www.antiochian.org/667 Primates of the Apostolic See of Antioch (Orthodox Succession)] ([[Antiochian Orthodox Christian Archdiocese of North America]])*[[:Wikipedia:List of Patriarchs of Antioch|List of Patriarchs of Antioch (Wikipedia)]] (37-546)*[[:Wikipedia:List of Greek Orthodox Patriarchs of Antioch|List of Patriarchs of Antioch (Wikipedia)]] (518-present)
== Patriarches d'Antioche et de tout l'Orient ==
* .....
* Daniel Ier (1767-1791)
* Euthyme V (1792-1813)
* Séraphin Ier (1813-1823)
* Méthode Ier (1823-1850)
* Hiérothée Ier (1850-1885)
* Gérasime Ier (1885-1891)
* Spyridon Ier (1892-1898)
* [[Mélèce II (Doumani) d'Antioche|Mélèce II]] (1899-1906)
* [[Grégoire IV (Haddad) d'Antioche|Grégoire IV]] (1906-1928)
* [[Alexandre III (Tahan) d'Antioche|Alexandre III]] (1928-1958)
* [[Théodose VI (Abourjaily) d'Antioche|Théodose VI]] (1958-1970)
* [[Élie IV (Muawad) d'Antioche|Élie IV]] (1970-1979)
* [[Ignace IV (Hazim) d'Antioche|Ignace IV]] (depuis 1979)
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