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Semaine Sainte

5 octets ajoutés, 11 avril 2008 à 08:33
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==La Semaine Sainte==
Le [[samedi de Lazare]] met fin au [[Grand Carême]]. Cette célébration fait mémoire du réveil d'entre les morts de Lazare et de la promesse de la résurrection universelle pour tous. Le samedi de Lazare est un pont vers la Semaine Sainte durant laquelle l'Eglise se remémore les derniers jours du Christ avant Sa Crucifixion et Sa Résurrection, Sa [[passion]]. Pendant cette semaine les matines [[Matins]] du jour sont célébrées la veille, et les vêpres le matin même. Cette anticipation des offices donne au fidèle l'impression que le monde est en labeur, sens dessus-dessous, à cause de la passion que notre Seigneur a enduré pour notre salut. Bien que cette pratique soit inhabituelle, elle est canonique et correspond à l'ancienne la définition biblique selon laquelle le jour commence au coucher du soleil. [[Image:Palm_Sunday.jpg|left|thumb|Icon of Christ's entry into Jerusalem]][[Image:extremehumility.jpg|right|thumb|Christ the Bridegroom]]
===Dimanche des RameauxPalm Sunday===
The first day of Holy Week begins with [[Vespers]] of Saturday evening leading to the celebration of the services of ''Our Lord's Entry into Jerusalem'' the next morning, Sunday. In the western world this day is usually called ''[[Palm Sunday]]''. As Christ makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, his divine kingdom on Earth is proclaimed under the branches of the palm tree.
The services appointed by the [[Typikon]] for the evening of Holy Wednesday recall that on this day Judas betrayed Christ, which led to the tradition from [[Apostle|Apostolic]] times of [[fasting]] on Wednesday throughout the year. It also focuses on the Mystical Supper, which is celebrated in the liturgy of the following day.
[[Image:mysticalsupper.jpg|left|thumb|La Sainte CèneThe Mystical Supper]]
===Holy Thursday===
'''Holy Thursday''' begins with the celebration of vespers and the [[Divine Liturgy]] of St. Basil with a Reserved [[Eucharist]] in representation of the earthly presence of Christ realized at the [[Last Supper]]. In the evening, anticipating the Matins of Friday morning, the Holy Passion service of the reading of the '''Twelve Gospels''' is conducted. In these readings Christ's last instructions to his disciples are presented, as well as the prophecy of the drama of the Cross, Christ's prayer, and his new commandment. The twelve readings are:
==LiensExternal links==
* [http://members.aol.com/stgeoworc/holyweek.htm A Liturgical Explanation for the Days of Holy Week], by Fr. [[Alexander Schmemann]]
* [http://www.antiochian.org/midwest/Articles/Development_of_Holy_Week_Services.htm The Historical Development of Holy Week Services In the Orthodox/Byzantine Rite], by Fr. Nabil L. Hanna