Holy unction is a [[Holy Mysteries|mystery]] of great comfort to the faithful. It provides uplifting and asks for patience to accept the will of God whatever the physical outcome.
==Liturgical Le serviceliturgique==The full Le service is composed of liturgique de la Sainte Onction des malades comporte deux parties: une première partie est composée des [[psalmspsaume]] from the s de l'[[Old Ancien Testament]], d'hymns of direct de supplication to Godde Dieu, and prayers to the [[et des prières aux saints]] to intercede for the petitioner. In additionIl suit la deuxième partie, there are seven readings from the composée des sept lectures de l'[[Gospelsévangile]] preceded by seven other New Testament writings(Luc 10, 25-37 ; Luc 19, 1-10 ; Mt 10, 1, 5-8 ; Mt 8, 14-23 ; Mt 25, 1-13 ; Mt 20, 21-28 ; Mt 9, notably the 9-13) précédées par 7 autres lectures du [[epistlesNouveau Testament]] of , nottemment des lectures des epîtres de St. [[Apostle Apôtre Paul|Paul]] and et de St. [[Apostle James the JustApôtre Jacques|JamesJacques]]. After each set of scriptural readings, a prayer is offered on behalf of the penitent by the [[priest]] asking for forgiveness and the sanctification of the oil. Traditionally, the service is celebrated by seven [[priest]]s, but where fewer than seven priests are available (which is often the case), it will be served by at least one.
At the end of the service, the [[priest]] puts holy oil on the forehead, eyes, ears, nostrils, lips, chest, and hands of the parishioners in the form of the cross, saying: "O Holy Father, physician of our souls and bodies, heal Thy servant [name] from every physical and emotional affliction" (Russian tradition) or "The blessing of our Lord, God and Saviour Jesus Christ: for the healing of the soul and body of the servant of God, [name], always: now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen" (Greek tradition). The exact wording varies according to tradition and translation.