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Dimanche de Saint Grégoire Palamas

Révision datée du 19 février 2011 à 12:52 par Kamasarye (discussion | contributions) (Hymnographie : traduit de l'anglais et du roumain)
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St. Gregory Palamas

The Sunday of St. Gregory Palamas is the Second Sunday of Great Lent. It commemorates St. Gregory Palamas (+1359). It falls between the Sunday of Orthodoxy and the Sunday of the Holy Cross.


Each of the Sundays of Great Lent has its own special themes. These can be seen as historical and spiritual. This Sunday's theme is that men can become divine (theosis) through the grace of God in the Holy Spirit.

Historical theme

It was St. Gregory (November 14), who bore witness that by prayer and fasting human beings can become participants of the uncreated light of God's divine glory even in this life. After his glorification in 1368, a second commemoration of St. Gregory Palamas was appointed for this Second Sunday of Great Lent as a second Triumph of Orthodoxy. It celebrates the condemnation of St. Gregory's enemies and the vindication of his teachings by the Church.

This Sunday was originally dedicated to St. Polycarp of Smyrna (February 23).

Spiritual theme

The spiritual theme adds to the First Sunday of Great Lent's theme, faith. In addition to faith, one needs effort. The scripture readings are Hebrews 1:10-2:3 and Mark 2:1-12. The epistle says to give the more earnest heed to the things we have heard, lest we drift away... how shall we escape if we neglect so great a salvation? The Gospel lesson has the image of effort and desire in the paralytic who is brought to Christ through the roof.


Tropaire (Ton 8) [1]

Lumière de la foi orthodoxe, appui et enseignant de l’Église, joyau du monachisme et invincible défenseur des théologiens, thaumaturge Grégoire, gloire de Théssalonique, prêcheur de la Grâce, priez toujours pour le salut de nos âmes.

Kondakion (Tone 8) [2]

Instrument divin, sanctifié de la sagesse, illustre clairon de la théologie, nous te louons d’une même voix, ô Grégoire, inspiré de Dieu. Et comme celui qui te trouves devant la Raison originaire, dirige nos esprits vers Lui, Grégoire notre père, pour que nous puissions te chanter : Réjouis-toi, prêcheur de la Grâce.


  • Great Lent: Journey to Pascha, by Fr. Alexander Schmemann (1974), St. Vladimir's Seminary Press. ISBN 0913836044

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