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Semaine Sainte

72 octets ajoutés, 15 avril 2008 à 20:51
Holy Monday
Le premier jour de la Semaine Sainte commence avec les vêpres [[Vespers]] du samedi soir qui conduisent le lendemain matin, dimanche, à la célébration de "l'Entrée de notre Seigneur à Jérusalem", appelé en Occident, "le dimanche des Rameaux" [[Palm Sunday]]''. As Christ makes his triumphal entry into Jerusalem, his divine kingdom on Earth is proclaimed under the branches of the palm tree.
===Holy MondayLe Lundi Saint===The first three days of Holy Week remind us of Les premiers trois jours de la Semaine Sainte nous rappelle les dernières instructions du Christ's last instructions with his à ses disciples. These teachings are remembered in the celebration of the Great On rappelle ces enseignements durant la célébration des offices des Grandes [[ComplineComplies]], Matinsdes Matines, des [[HoursHeures]], and et de la [[LiturgyLiturgie]] during these days. The La [[Liturgy of the Presanctified GiftsLiturgie des Dons Présanctifiés]] celebrated these days includes readings from célébrée pendant ces jours comprend des lectures tirées de l' [[ExodusExode]], du [[Book of Livre de Job|Job]], and et de l'[[Gospel of MatthewEvangile de Matthieu |MatthewMatthieu]].
The Matins services of the evenings of Palm Sunday, Holy Monday, and Holy Tuesday, anticipating the events of the next day, share a common theme. These [[Bridegroom]] Services are derived from the Parable of the Ten Virgins, which calls for preparedness at the Second Coming, for the "thief comes in the middle of the night." (Matt. 26:1-13)

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