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Liste des primats de l'Église d'Antioche

Le Patriarche de l'Église d'Antioche est un des Patriarches de l'Église Orthodoxe. Des fois, il est appelé Patriarche grec d'Antioche, pour le distinguer des primats des Églises orientales syriaques.

Liste des primats de l'Église d'Antioche

  1. St. Pierre l'Apôtre (c.45-c.53)
  2. St. Évode (c.53-c.68)
  3. St. Ignace Ier (c.68-100)
  4. Héron Ier (100-c.127)
  5. Cornelius (c.127-c.151)
  6. Eros II (c.151-c.169)
  7. St. Théophile (c.169-182)
  8. Maximin I (182-191)
  9. Serapion (191-211)
  10. Ascelpiades 211-220)
  11. Philetos (220-231)
  12. Zebinnus Ozniophios (231-237)
  13. St. Babylas (237-253)
  14. Fabios (253-256)
  15. Demetrianos (256-262)
  16. Amphilokhos (262-267)
  17. Paul of Samosata (267-270)
  18. Domnus I (270-273)
  19. Timaeos (273-277)
  20. Cyril (277-299)
  21. Tyrannos (299-308)
  22. Vitalius I (308-314)
  23. St. Philogonos (314-324)
  24. Paulinos of Tyre (324-325)
  25. St. Eustathius (325-332)
  26. Eulalios (332)
  27. Euphronios (333-334)
  28. Philaclus (334-341)
  29. Stephen I (341-345)
  30. Leontius (345-350)
  31. Eudoxius (350-354, 354-357)
  32. St. Meletius (354)
  33. Annias or Ammianus (357-360)
  34. Euzoius (360-370)
  35. Dorotheus (370-371)
  36. Paulinus (371-376)
  37. Vitalius II (376-384)
  38. St. Flavian I (384-404)
  39. Porphyrius (404-408)
  40. Alexander I (408-418)
  41. Theodotus (418-428)
  42. John I (427-443)
  43. Domnus II (443-450)
  44. Maximus II (450-459)
    The episcopacy of Antioch was raised to a Patriarchate by the Council of Chalcedon in 451.
  45. Basil (459-459)
  46. Acacius (459-461)
  47. Martyrius (461-465)
  48. Peter the Fuller (465-466, 474-475)
  49. Julian (466-474)
  50. John II (475-490)
  51. Stephen II (490-493)
  52. Stephen III (493-495)
  53. Callandion (495)
  54. John Codonatus (495-497)
  55. Palladius (495-505)
  56. Flavian II (505-513)
  57. Severus (513-518)
    Severus was deposed by the Greek Orthodox Church in 518; while in exile in Egypt, he was recognized by many Syriac Christians as the lawful Patriarch until his death in 538.
    In 544, Jacob Baradeus consecrated Sergius of Tella as Patriarch. To the year 544, both the Syrian Orthodox Church and the Church of Antioch recognize the same people as legitimate patriarchs; afterwards, they trace a different lineage; there was also a Latin Patriarch of Antioch from 1100 to 1268.
  58. Paul II (518-521)
  59. Euphrasius (521-526)
  60. St. Ephraim (526-546)
  61. Domnus III (546-561)
  62. St. Anastasius the Sinaite (561-571)
  63. Gregory (571-594)
    St. Anastasius the Sinaite (594-599)
  64. St. Anastasius II (599-610)
  65. Gregory II (610-620)
  66. Anastasius III (620-628)
  67. Macedonius (628-640)
  68. George I (640-656)
  69. Macarius (656-681)
  70. Theophanes (681-687)
  71. Sebastian (687-690)
  72. George II (690-695)
  73. Alexander II (695-702)
    vacancy 702-742
  74. Stephen IV (742-748)
  75. Theophylact (748-767)
  76. Theodore I (767-797)
  77. John IV (797-810)
  78. Job I (810-826)
  79. Nicholas (826-834)
  80. Simeon (834-840)
  81. Elias (840-852)
  82. Theodosius I (852-860)
  83. Nicholas II (860-879)
  84. Michael (879-890)
  85. Zacharias (890-902)
  86. George III (902-917)
  87. Job II (917-939)
  88. Eustratius (939-960)
  89. Christopher (960-966)
  90. Theodorus II (966-977)
  91. Agapius (977-995)
  92. John IV (995-1000)
  93. Nicholas III (1000-1003)
  94. Elias II (1003-1010)
  95. George Lascaris (1010-1015)
  96. Macarius the Virtuous (1015-1023)
  97. Eleutherius (1023-1028)
  98. Peter III (1028-1051)
  99. John VI, also known as Dionysus (1051-1062)
  100. Aemilian (1062-1075)
  101. Theodosius II (1075-1084)
  102. Nicephorus (1084-1090)
  103. |John VII the Oxite (1090-1155)
  104. John IX (1155-1159)
  105. Euthymius (1159-1164)
  106. Macarius II (1164-1166)
  107. Athanasius I (1166-1180)
  108. Theodosius III (1180-1182)
  109. Elias III (1182-1184)
  110. Christopher II (1184-1185)
  111. Théodore IV (Balsamon) (1185-1199)
    The Patriarchate was in exile at Constantinople.
  112. Joachim (1199-1219)
  113. Dorotheus (1219-1245)
  114. Simeon II (1245-1268)
  115. Euthymius II (1268-1269)
  116. Theodosius IV (1269-1276)
    With Theodosius, the Patriachate returned to Antioch.
  117. Theodosius V (1276-1285)
  118. Arsenius (1285-1293)
  119. Dionysius (1293-1308)
  120. Mark (1308-1342)
  121. Ignatius II (1342-1386)
    With Ignatius, the Patriachate transferred to Damascus.
  122. Pachomius (1386-1393)
  123. Nilus (1393-1401)
  124. Michael III (1401-1410)
  125. Pachomius II (1410-1411)
  126. Joachim II (1411-1426)
  127. Mark III (1426-1436)
  128. Dorotheus II (1436-1454)
  129. Michael IV (1454-1476)
  130. Mark IV (1476)
  131. Joachim III (1476-1483)
  132. Gregory III (1483-1497)
  133. Dorotheus III (1497-1523)
  134. Michael V (1523-1541)
  135. Dorotheus IV (1541-1543)
  136. Joachim IV (Ibn Juma) (1543-1576)
  137. Michael VI (Sabbagh) (1577-1581)
  138. Joachim V (1581-1592)
  139. Joachim VI (1593-1604)
  140. Dorotheus V (1604-1611)
  141. Athanasius III (Dabbas) (1611-1619)
  142. Ignatius III (Attiyah) (1619-1631)
  143. Euthymius III (1635-1636)
  144. Euthymius IV (1636-1648)
  145. Michael III (Zaim) (1648-1672)
  146. Neophytos (1674-1684)
  147. Athanasius IV (Dabbas) (1686-1694, 1720-1724)
  148. Cyril III (Zaim) (1694-1720)
  149. Sylvester (1724-1766)
  150. Philemon (1766-1767)
  151. Daniel Ier (1767-1791)
  152. Euthyme V (1792-1813)
  153. Séraphin Ier (1813-1823)
  154. Méthode Ier (1843-1859)
  155. Hiérothée Ier (1850-1885)
  156. Gérasime Ier (1885-1891)
  157. Spyridon Ier (1892-1898)
  158. Mélèce II (1899-1906)
  159. Grégoire IV (1906-1928)
  160. Alexandre III (1928-1958)
  161. Théodose VI (1958-1970)
  162. Élie IV (1970-1979)
  163. Ignace IV (1979-2012)

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